* Version 1.4c - Copyright Bjørn Børresen (c) BIE.no 2004
* Please do not modify outside config section (unless you know what you're doing)
* and do not remove the phpODP button (even if you do know what you're doing)
* http://www.bie.no/forum/ <- post questions in the support forum
global $myrooturl,$searchstring,$filename;
$filename = $PHP_SELF;
* CONFIG SECTION ----> EDIT THIS + edit the files in /includes/ to change its look!
* If you have questions visit http://www.bie.no/forum and post them in the phpODP support forum!
$show_thumbnails = true; // set this to true if you want to show thumbnails
// English users set this to "en" to show amazon.com link
// German users set it to "de" to show amazon.de link
// If you do not want to show the amazon table just leave them blank ("")
$show_search_sponsor = "";
$show_browse_sponsor = "";
// ODP root URL .. some people say they needed to change this to http://www.dmoz.org/
$rooturl = "http://www.dmoz.org";
// If you want so use a certain category at the root ..
// eg. $rootcategory = "/World/Deutsch/"; to show German pages
$rootcategory = "/World/Espa%c3%b1ol/Artes/Cine/";
* STOP --- > EDITING BELOW SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY (but could be if externals are changed)
//Header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"");
$sponsor_file_search = "search_sponsor_header.php"; // default
if($show_search_sponsor == "de") $sponsor_file_search = "search_sponsor_header_de.php";
$sponsor_file_browse = "search_sponsor_header.php"; // default
if($show_browse_sponsor == "de") $sponsor_file_browse = "search_sponsor_header_de.php";
// replacement variables
$replace = $filename . "?browse=";
$linkstr = '"; // end str to search for on the main page
$startbrws = "
"; // start str to search for when browsing
$endbrws = '
Search:'; // start str to search for when searching
$endsrch = 'phpODP 1.4";
$fp = fopen( $rooturl, "r" );
$html = join( "", file( $rooturl ) );
fclose ( $fp );
$startpos = strpos( $html, $startstr );
$html = substr( $html, $startpos, strlen($html));
$endpos = strpos( $html, $endstr );
$html = substr( $html, 0, $endpos );
$html = str_replace( $linkstr , $linkstr . $replace, $html );
$html = str_replace( '
" . $html;
$endpos = strpos( $html, $endbrws );
$html = substr( $html, 0, $endpos );
$html = str_replace( $linkstr . "/", $linkstr . $replace . "/", $html );
$html = str_replace( '
" . $html;
$endpos = strpos( $html, $endbrws );
$html = substr( $html, 0, $endpos );
$html = str_replace( $linkstr . "/", $linkstr . $replace . "/", $html );
$html = str_replace( '
 | $curline |
} else {
echo $curline;
} else {
$curline = utf8_decode($curline);
echo $curline;
} else {
$html = utf8_decode($html);
echo $html;
} else { // open failed
else if( $searchstring != "" ) { // the user is searching
if($show_search_sponsor != "" ) include("includes/" . $sponsor_file_search);
$searchurl = $searchurl . $searchstring . ($start == "" ? "" : "&start=" . $start ) . ($morecat == "" ? "" : "&morecat=" . $morecat);
$fp = fopen( $searchurl, "r" );
$html = join( "", file( $searchurl ) );
fclose ( $fp );
if( strpos( $html, $noresult) != FALSE ) { // no results found
} else {
$startpos = strpos( $html, $startsrch );
$html = substr( $html, $startpos, strlen($html));
$endpos = strpos( $html, $endsrch );
$html = substr( $html, 0, $endpos );
$html = str_replace( $linkstr . "/", $linkstr . $replace . "/", $html );
$html = str_replace( "http://dmoz.org", "$filename?browse=", $html );
$html = str_replace( $search_next, $search_next_replace, $html );
$html = str_replace( $filename . '?browse=search?', $filename . '?', $html );
$html = str_replace( '
 | $curline |
} else {
echo $curline;
} else {
$curline = utf8_decode($curline);
echo $curline;
} else {
$html = utf8_decode($html);
echo $html;
echo "";